Appex 07

STA 112 - Fall 2023

Part 1

  1. Create a new project from this template in RStudio Pro:
  1. Run the load-packages and load-data chunks.
  2. Go to:
  3. Enter your email address to look up your ID
  4. Update the filter(id == 9) line in the filter-data chunk to your ID and run this chunk.

Part 2

  1. Fit an intercept only model to calculate the average leaf length in your sample
  2. Use the summary function on the linear model you fit
  3. What is the standard error for the mean length? Interpret this value.

Part 3

  1. Open appex-07.qmd
  2. Calculate the \(t^*\) value for your confidence interval
  3. Calculate the confidence interval “by hand” using the \(t^*\) value from exercise 2 and the mean and standard error from the previous application exercise
  4. Calculate the confidence interval using the confint function
  5. Interpret this value